Today’s society has become quite health conscious as more attention is paid to nutritional supplements and vitamins and the important role they play in maintaining optimal body health. In addition to promoting overall body wellness, vitamins and supplements are used to protect the heart, reduce the risk of cancer, boost the overall immune system, relieve symptoms, relieve depression and improve memory and weight loss .
Theories have emerged advocating the use of extremely high doses or megadoses, of some vitamins; However, it is always advisable to consider this type of supplementation. While some are safe in large doses, others can prove quite harmful and so moderation is important
Some theories have been published advocating the use of extremely high doses or mega doses of certain vitamins. Caution should be exercised when considering this type of supplementation. While some vitamins are safe in large doses, others can be harmful. Here are the most commonly used
Here are some of the vitamins most people take and the recommended dosages:
Vitamin A – Vitamin A is a fat-soluble compound that is important for healthy vision, cell growth and immune system function. Vitamin A should not be taken in excess of twice the recommended daily dose for adults.
Vitamin B6 – Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin needed for protein metabolism, cellular oxygenation and blood sugar regulation. Excess vitamin B6 can cause debilitating and dangerous nerve damage. Do not exceed 100 mg of vitamin B6 per day.
Vitamin B12 – Vitamin B12 is important for healthy red blood cells and nerve cells in the body. Vitamin B12 also plays an important role in the formation of human DNA. Although it has low toxicity, it is recommended that you do not exceed it per day.
Folic Acid – Folic acid helps build DNA and is also needed for the metabolism of important acids. It is especially important for pregnant women. Folic acid has low toxicity; However, the maximum recommended dose for adults is 1,000 mcg.
Vitamin C – Vitamin C is necessary for the production of collagen, growth and repair of body tissues and a healthy immune system. However, too much vitamin C can cause harmful oxidation in the body. No more than 2000 mg per day should be taken.
Vitamin D – Vitamin D is essential for normal levels of phosphorus and calcium in the blood. Vitamin D is an important factor for strong bones and teeth. Excessive intake of vitamin D can lead to bone pain, nausea, vomiting and even kidney stones.
Vitamin E – Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals. However, taking more than 1,000 mg can cause heart problems and excessive bleeding.
It’s always best to speak to your doctor or health care professional to learn more about proper and safe dosages of vitamin compounds before deciding to take any supplements.